Monday, April 25, 2011


I had to throw in some cute pictures of my nephew Cooper, “big blue eyes”!!


It was a Happy Easter despite the weather. We started our weekend off on Friday with and Easter Egg Hunt with the Fano family in our yard, small but it worked!

The Easter Bunny comes to our house on Saturday morning and left the kids a basket of toys and candy!

Saturday the kids hunted eggs at my mom’s house. My mom filled them up with candy and toys galore. Then my dad sent us off on a GPS egg hunt he set up for the adults. I didn't go on it because I had to feed the babe but it was fun to watch as everyone got in their cars and raced off and hilarious to watch as they pulled in and flew out of their cars looking for the last egg. Jethro lost our keys in the process which we later found in the road in front of the neighbors house. I was told later Jethro was racing so fast in the suburban that as he was turning the tires were screeching, so glad I didn't go or I would have been cussing him out for his driving.
When the final egg was found my mom pulled out a case of silly string and everyone went to town!! It was a crazy fun Easter!

I bought the girls Easter dresses back in January so I have been anticipating this day for a long time. I got them all ready for church and even though we were running late I had to get a picture but Penina and Tautua weren't cooperating. Penina kept looking away or not smiling and then Tautua was crying and started crawling away so these are the best I got. I think I am going to re-take them another day when Jethro is there to help me!

And of course whats Easter without colored Easter eggs.....


And Deviled Eggs.....mmmmmmmm


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Soap box

I just had to laugh when I saw the title to this article “Study Links Early Introduction of Solid Foods to Obesity” seriously people?? “Researchers” whoever that maybe want to point fingers as to why more and more kids are obese they blame fast food restaurants, school lunches, and now this. In my opinion it’s all about habits! The article starts off saying: “With childhood obesity becoming an increasing concern, many researchers are working to find out what factors contribute to the problem”
Then in a separate article below this one I read: “It is especially important to help our children establish healthy eating and exercise patterns now — the habits we create with them today will carry over throughout their adult lives.”
Well there is your answer “researchers”. Our world has increasingly become “lazy” as compared to times past. We rely on fast food when we are too tired to cook, movies and video games to entertain our children. I admit I rely on these things but I do try to moderate it though. I try to only eat out no more than 2-3 times a week and that includes lunch and dinners which is the two meals I usually buy fast food for. Because I work at home I often rely on TV and movies to keep my kids entertained while I work but again I try to not let it get out of hand. When I feel it’s been too much TV I stop working and make my kids turn off the TV and play with their toys, color or go outside and play on a nice day. Blaming anyone but yourself is ridiculous, it’s all about habits. I’m not saying I am perfect but I find it hard to agree with the government and laws saying my kids can’t have a toy in their happy meal unless it is so many calories or if I start feeding my child solids at 4 months instead of 6 months they have a high chance of being obese. Come on people get real!
If you are still reading this thanks for reading my rants, I just had to get that out!