Thursday, September 24, 2009

the "WHY" stage

I can't upload pictures for some reason I don't understand. But I just wanted to update my blog since its been a month already.
Ana is in the "WHY" stage and she is constanly asking "WHY this" and "WHY that" I do my best to answer her honestly and the best way I can to a four year old but the other day she asked "Why do boys have long tita's?" (tita's is samoan for weewee's, peepee's whatever you may call it in your home) I about fell on the floor out of shock and holding in my laughter. This question came about I later found out after spending time at her cousins house she watched my sister in-law changing her sons diaper and I guess Ana asked her about boys parts as well seeing that his didn't look anything like hers. My sister in-law said that she told her boys have diffrent parts then girls or something and then Ana said "Yeah and my dad has a big one!" LOL Gotta love this stage no shame at all, what do ya do!

On the other end Penina is starting to try and talk more she can say "Cheers" and "Hi" and something that sounds like "Hello" She loves cell phones and pretends to talk on the phone chattering baby talk with her hand on her ear, its so cute!! When Penina see's something that amuses her she says "OOOO DAT" I love it, she is such a funny girl, she laughs at herself when she knows she is being silly. She loves to play with Ana and tried to do everything she does! I love seeing my two girls play together, its melts my heart when Ana looks up and says "I love my sister and I think she loves me too"

1 comment:

sarana said...

hillarious! unfortunately the why stage never ends in my house. it just gets passed one from one sister to another. have fun with it all!