Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On the brain....

I hate this world we live in; it feels like money rules over us. In my job I'm seeing more and more the effect the poor economy is having on Utah. So many people getting laid off and not able to pay their bills. It hurts me to see this happen and it worries me to think when it will happen to us. The prophets counsel of stay out of debt and build your food storage is ever so clear these days. I know money doesn't rule over us and if we ever come to that point in life that we go without it I know the Lord will provide. The church is amazing and I wish so much that the government and businesses would look at its structure and pattern after it. The church is set up to help us in so many ways: spiritually, financially, physically, and mentally. The church has food storage, welfare service, education funds and soooo much more! Most importantly the church has the true and everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

Shane's Angie said...

Beautiful testimony Traci! I just adore you!