Thursday, June 11, 2009

TGFO..Thank goodness for Oxyclean!!

OxyClean is my friend. Some smart person I don't know who, handed my daughter wearing her sunday dress with a white top a chocolate frosted cupcake. She got it all over herself. So I soaked it in oxyclean and washed it and to my surprise it came out looking brand new!!


Laraine said...

Well, I know it wasn't me that handed her the chocolate donut...but I agree about the OxiClean! It's a life saver.

Laura said...

So, I have been trying the Oxyclean way, and I haven't had a lot of success with it. Most of my stains turn orange and then don't wash out... hmm. But I am glad to hear that it's working for you!

Ash, O, Ava Jo and Demi Lu said...

All hail OxyClean!! Seriously... I use it on everything....I think I have some sick addiction...I wonder if there is an Oxyclean Anonymous group anywhere...