Monday, September 29, 2008

Art Sale

My dear friend Amy is an amazing artist, her art has been picked up to be in stores like Seagull book in the near future, but at this time she is having a Conference Sale on her prints. If you are interested just click on the picture off to the side under "Got Art" or just got to


Shane's Angie said...

Traci you are a dear and a doll to post this. Oh how I adore you! I loved seeing you on Saturday, I only wish we could have gabbed longer. Please say we can have a lunch date soon? I don't care if it's PJ&J and a blanket at the park!

Amy Pectol Oberhansley said...

Thank you so much for being so supportive! You are way too nice!It was so fun seeing your new baby. She was beyond beautiful!

The Aulava Family said...

Hi Traci,

couldn't find your email for some reason. Just let us know your schedule. We are booked the next couple weekends. Depends on if you want a Friday or Saturday. What looks good for you guys. Maybe the first weekend in November?
