Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ana's big word

Ana gets a big kick out of being naked. EVERYTIME we come in the house from being outside, no matter how cold it is her close come off. She drives me crazy with it cuz sometime we'll just run in the house for a minute and need to go back out again and she is already stripped down. She thinks we live in Hawaii I guess!

She does keep me laughing tho. She does the craziest things everyday it makes me wonder where she gets this stuff.

Right now Ana is testing words out she says "Shank" and "Shake" and sometimes "Shit". Of course when she said that last one I tried to teach her that we don't say that word. One night Jethro was up playing xbox, it was like 2 or 3 in the morning Ana had fallen asleep on the couch and I was in bed asleep so I didn't hear this but Jethro told me he spilled his drink and said the "S" word and out of the dead sleep she was in Ana woke up and said "DADDY we dont say 'shit'" and then went straight back to sleep. Ana continues to use new words everyday and we try our best to watch what we say around her now that she copies everything we say and do more and more!!


Laraine said...

I am glad you are doing this! I love to read people's blogs. Cute story! I love that kid!

Shane's Angie said...

Ana and Evie have more in common than just their birthday! Evie doesn't want to be dressed either! Haven't you noticed how she is in just a diaper in 90 percent of the pictures on my blog! But you know, if I looked that good in just my skivvies, I might strip down too!