Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Check up....

So I went to the doctor on Monday and had to be checked since I'm just 2 weeks away from my due date. I hate being checked and I hate it when they say just relax HA whatever dude its hard to relax when you are trying to put your whole fist up there LOL!!! Anyway I'm happy to report I'm already a 2 maybe a 3 but he couldn't get his fist up there so he wasn't 100% sure but I like to tell everyone I'm a 3 already because I'm sure I got stretched out after that appointment hahaha you know what I'm talking about ladies, sorry if there are any men reading this but GEEZ come on, OUCH!!! I know its only gonna get worse but I'll be glad to have the drugs to numb me up so I can relax when they check me!!!!


Laura said...

A 3, that is so exciting! You're a third there, although unfortunatly this is the easy third! Bless the epidural though!!!

Shane's Angie said...

Yikes, just thinking about those check ups sends shivers down my spine! I'm so excited for Fano gal #2!

Unknown said...

Eeeee. It's been a year almost, but it feels like yesterday. Hate those appts.

Nava_jo said...

A three! Wow, my sister hit three slowly, but once she hit FOUR she was off to the hospital. So you lil'girl #2 is going to be here in a couple of weeks. Exciting!!

Leavitt Family said...

Dr. Gammett is the worst, a three to his huge fingers is a ten to any other Dr.! Yikes good luck Traci Laraine!