skies by the afternoon it was snowing. Ana was so excited when it started snowing she wanted so bad to build "frosty" but of course the snow didn't stick and so we couldn't build a real "frosty" so we made a frost-less Frosty! I got out some old
thermals I've haven't worn for years and cut the leg off and we stuffed it with plastic sacks and made "frosty". As you can see it was a lazy day and Ana stayed in her night shirt most of the day but we had fun making "Frosty"
We have a vent in our overhang on the house that doesn't have a cover and now that spring is here the birds think its a great place to build a nest so every morning Ana and I go out with a broom and scare the birds away we even stuffed plastic sacks up there until we can find a cover for the hole but the bird pulled the sacks out and I've been searching all around the house for something to put there to keep the birds out. Frosty has a new duty these days.......
He does a great job, Ana and I had a good laugh as we watched the birds try to fly in to the vent only to discovery "Frosty" in their way.
What a darling idea! What a cute Mom you are, Traci! Lucky Ana!(& new baby girl).
Hilarious! I especially liked the WAHHAAA HAAA at the end! You are a good mom, making thermal snowmen and fighting off birds...
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